Stories of a Moron

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bragging Rights

I'd just like to take a moment and say I called the uprise of Mike Huckabee for the '08 presidential election. He practically won the state of AR for Bush in '04, a democratic state. Also in his home state he holds the worlds single largest retailer by size and money. That's a loaded political weapon. Oh, by the way, he's a Baptist minister. Who in the south wouldn't vote for a Baptist minister? Since the Prohibition Party has been having trouble I have been looking for a new Pres. candidate to vote for. Now it goes against every instinct I have to vote Republican or Democrat, but Mike might be a good vote. Good christian guy on his first wife. All that aside he was named one of America's best governors by Time and is a marathoner. If that isn't presidential material then they'll be jumping to have him as vice-pres. candidate.

Notes on the last blog
I don't like being the preverbial "Steve" on Jerry Springer in Iraq. If those crackwhores want to fight it out, I'm not willing to take the licks.

Upcoming: GE to Iran: Why the world become flat should end quarles about soveriegnty and other stuff

Paul "Bad political post" Murphy

btw: At least I offer solutions unlike other bloggers that just criticize, ie Dr. Mark Elrod, whom I respect.

Since when did I become a qualified strip teacher?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

So last time I tried to post it didn't. But that may be for the better. This week has once again been in stride with the rest of life. No big stories or anything like that. I am beginning to look forward to camp in June. Jaime might have gotten me a spot on a softball team. Its a fastpitch league so it'll be different, but it doesn't start until march. I have managed to make this past week unexiting. Except for Tuesday night, but that was bad exciting not haha exciting.

I have decided that the only way to win a good war is through the use of "Total Warfare." I did a paper on it in an ethics class once. It's basically the idea that in war nothing is off limits, well most stuff isn't off limits. Lets look at some of the good ole US of A's greatest victories in war. WWII, where we destroyed millions of civilians lives in both Germany and Japan. And the two nuclear weapons we used only accounted for about 1/10th of the destruction in Japan. It was a no-holds-bar war. I think if the British had employed this tactic during the American Revolution (as they did in Ireland and South Africa (SA was bad, like concentration camp bad)) they could have definitely won. I thinks that's the problems with the past few wars the US has engaged in, their are no battle-lines. When there are no battle lines, history dictates, you go all out or don't go at all. It's easy to topple governments when the citizens don't like it (eg Panama) but it really complicates things when the citizens don't have anyone they want to take over and start disliking you (Vietnam). I think at some point your problems should become your problems. Granted I am not a huge fan of just pulling out and leaving a complete power vacuum (Belgian Congo). I think our job in Iraq may be done. The problems of that country were just unmasked after we dethroned their dictator, they can sort this out themselves. I guess Stephen Lamb was right, democracy doesn't neccisarily work when you have a multi-religious constituency and their is no seperation of spiritual and political authority.

I think the President had every right to invade Iraq. He said he would not put up with terrorist or countries that supported them (eg Iraq and Afgahnistan). After someone has been in control of a country for a really long time it's kinda hard to find someone to replace them that people won't fight over. I also believe that if I were confronted with the same information I would have made the same choice, or maybe just had some people "knocked off." I don't hear anyone complaining about our invasion of Afgahnistan, and we didn't even think they had nuclear weapons. The difference becomes who is with you (politics). The countries around "the Stan" helped out with the rebuilding and whatnot. We don't see the same picture in Iraq.

Wednesday- Why we should send GE over to Iran to help out their nuclear program

Paul "why can't we be friends" Murphy

Oh I sorta got removed from my job next year. That's right, there's a good chance I won't be teaching 5th and 6th next year at PHS. I'm getting latterally promoted (moved) to the HS to teach math, history, and some electives. If anyone has a good idea for an elective drop me a line.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Preception: aight.

My student loans just jumped. Now over $400/month. That's a good day.
Also I now owe the Am. Sam gov. some extra money for an undisclosed incedent. I was going to take care of it, but I don't get off work untill 3:00pm, when everybody else also gets off work. Thank goodness for the 6th Amendment. We'll see.

Paul "eh" Murphy

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Getting Old(er)

Music is a funny thing. For the first many years of life I really didn't care for music at all. Then I picked up on Oldies. Oldies are great; with the new stuff you have to filter the really good out of the ordinary. Oldies have already filtered it all out. What you wind up with is music that use to be good but no longer makes much sense, except for those few timeless classics. Some of my favorites are "The Satelites," "The Righteous Brothers," "The Beach Boys," "The Temptations," Don McClean, and Bill Haly and the Comets. None of that drug music crap that no longer makes any sense. The Beatles were a sixties band that should have never made it out of that time. Some of their early stuff is aight, but the drug music just blows.(drug refrence) Same thing with some of the other "classics." I'm really not a fan of music inspired by drugs and bad acid trips. I rather melodical, heavy-beat, ballads. Recently I've began digging Indie Rock. IR split from mainstream when mainstream became Alternative. The heavy acoustic came into play. Indie stays true to the musical roots- small lables and what not. Unfortunately most of those small lables have been bought out secretly by big ones like Universal but they keep the small label front otherwise you'd have to find a new name for the genre. Blah blah blah, jazz.

I like jazz. I didn't use to. Jazz was too cool for me back in the day. It didn't make sense with the lyrics being far and few between. Sometimes it took too long for a song to play. Also, nobody really plays jazz on the radio, and that is what I really like about jazz. Now you may be thinking, "Paul doesn't own a single jazz song." You'd be right, but that is my opinion on jazz as well. Nobody should ever record jazz. It's kinda like the Emily Dickenson of music. Jazz should be a one-time experience each time. See, one thing I love about jazz is that it should never be played the same way twice. A song changes from performance to performance as the musicians fine-tune their "spin-outs." That's another thing I like about jazz, the solo. In Alternative Rock and even Pop there is one or two peices represented. The guitar solo is so overrated, as is the heavy vocals. With jazz each piece of the band gets to roll, each musician showing their skills. They spin-out when they have the time to show their skills. It lets even the bass sax player get off of their repetitive three cord draw. How often to rock bass players get to excentric solo? Finally there are the jazz instruments. I'm not talking about the actuall instruments but the condition. In classical music, musicians are expected to have a "concert" instrument, where "concert" means flashy and nice (Dis not be cheap). In rock the instruments are replaced every-so-often as they lose their glitter. Jazz is different. Jazz players can play with a dented trombone and an unfinished bass and nobody cares, it's about the sound. Old jazz musicians sometimes couldn't afford to by a mute for their trumpets, many would take and old plunger bottom in place. Now that's cool, using old bathroom stuff to help your music. I wonder if Louis Armstrong used a plunger-mute? I wouldn't put it past him. Jazz is fits perfectly in with Murphy Cheap. I don't have to buy CD's (because that would ruin it) and you can play with a $40 trumpet picked up at a garage sale. Rock on.

Paul "brasskazoo" Murphy

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Dog Catcher

Well it's been an interesting past few days. On Friday night I went to a happenin party. Unfortunately it was a birthday party of a twelve year old. It was cool.

Saturday Jane came by to go with Jaime and Allison to dance class, but they were away. She then told me this story.

Apparently they are doing the whole "dog erradication" thing on the island right now. Now this only happens every so often so you have to act quick if you want to get rid of those pesky dogs. So there is this poor girldog and all these dudes that come after her at Jane and Jason's place.(sp) Now this female isn't a normal girl dog, she's, ummm, a whore. If she got ten cents every time I think she'd need a bank account. So Jane called the dog catcher dude to come take them away and put them down humanely. So d/c comes buy in his van and honks the horn; all the dogs scatter. Jane goes down to meet him and they talk about the situation. Unfortunately the d/c didn't want to wait for the dogs to come back. So he starts rummaging through his van. He comes back to Jane with a bottle and a siringe, and begins giving her dosage instructions to kill the dogs. WHAT!? Jane doesn't want to kill the dogs herself b/c then she'd have bodies to get rid of.

Anyway she tells me all this and says that Jason is taking care of it right then. Without loosing a second I jump in the truck to join in the fun. When I got to their house there were several dogs laying around outside their house. Jason then informed me that he had cooked up some food then poisned it. It had an anesthetic in it so all the dogs were down, and we were waiting for the poison to take affect. Now the cute little puppy had already bit the dust, but the shedog hadn't. But it only took some time. Now we had two dead dogs bodies to dispose of. We decided the ocean cliffs were our best bet, so we began walking the few hundred yards through jungle to get there. We dumped the bodies and tramped back to the house. Oh by the way, Jason's illergic to wasps. We then ran smack into a wasp nest. After sustaining a few stings myself, 3, exactly, I thought Jason might not make it. Fortunately he didn't have a reaction and we made it back to the house, where one dog was still breathing. Unfortunately it was the neighbors that didn't like Jason throwing rocks at it. OOps. After a little work we got it out of the yard so it would die on somebody else's place. Then Jason and I went a played some golf.

The End

Paul "The Undertaker" Murphy

I think that one's been used

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Round 1

Ok so here we go. Vote for your favorite out of the two


1. "Ah ha can take on me" VS "Airsupply Rules"

2. "I need a date (803) 279.8659" VS "Sunday's the Lord's day"

3. Disc VS Flutie

4. "Your Name Here" VS "Have a nice day"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I want all my many diverse readers to come up with a good idea for a tatoo. Keep in mind the traditional method hurts a whole hecavu lot more.

My best ideas are
"Airsupply Rules"
Doug Flutie
Jesus Fish

Paul "Hepatitis A" Murphy

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How I got "snakebite"

So Mark Grayson and I have been friends for a long time. In fact that is probably an incorrect statement. Mark and I have been great friends for a long time. For the past sixteen years or so we've been hanging out. I use to love going over to Mark's house on Sunday afternoons. We'd go fishing in the creek or play some airplane game. Mark use to love animals, all animals. One time I went over and Mark had caught a snake. Now I was pretty impressed with this snake because it was at least five feet long. Mark would hold the snake and it would wind around his arms. I decided that this was cool and I wanted to hold it too. So Mark bade me to put out my hand and recieve the snake. BTW any story that has somebody holding a snake or swimming with a stingray shouldn't end well.
The snake twisted and turned after I began hoding it. It was trying to escape but had nowhere to go. I just let it slide from one hand to the next thinking it felt cool. At this point the snake didn't think it was cool anymore and turned on me. It bit me on the middle finger of my left hand. I guess it was trying to send a message.

Paul "snakebite" Murphy

Murphy advise of the day:

If there isn't a ring she's still availible - Momma Murphy

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I had a good post but...

I've been getting bad news all week. Tonight was no different. My friend Steven is moving off island sighting irreconsilable differences with his boss at the library. We had an older lady at church pass away suddenly two nights ago. Two of the members of the Nuuli congregation are in the hospital due to illness. And other stuff...

Anyway, here's the reason we really come back for the blog; stupid stories.
I had one but I forgot. Sorry. Hopefully I'll remember by tomorrow.

Paul "Snakebite" Murphy

I just remembered. I'll save it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oops and some other stuff

I'll start with the other stuff.
So the other day I was thinking about everybody and their problems, especially people I've known that seem to attract "Drama." I once lived in a house where the rule was 'No Drama.' Not like acting but stupid stuff that people get upset about. The funny thing was when the guy who proposed actually putting up the sign would sit for hours in our bedroom with the girl crying on his shoulder. What the crap happened to 'No Drama?' Anyways. So I decided the other day that everybody has some drama. In fact as human being it is our nature to create drama in our lives. Lets take to people that are completely different, Nomescobar Alop-lop from poor country X and Paris Hilton. Now to Paris Nomescobar probably has nothing to worry about, no cameras, no expectations, no bad past haunting you, and Nomescobar might actually have a butt. To Nomescobar Paris has nothing to worry about. She's got food, clothes, and she's famous. I submit that no matter what we have or do we will always complain. There will always be drama, until now. Today I officially start the "Paul Murphy is a moron but he'll have a possitive outlook on everything" program. In the end I'll be OK, God said so.

Stupid story of the day
So in college my roomate Stephen use to call me "The Mexican." Not because of my choice of food or anything, but because of my fascination with my butterfly knife. It was really cool. I remember the first time I ever saw a butterfly knife at my cousin Shay's house. He taught me that if you held the right end you'd never get cut. And its true. So I got one my sophmore year and started doing some pretty crazy tricks.
Today there were some flies bothering my feet. I happened to have a stapler. So I unfolded the stapler and started shooting the flies. After missing multiple times I decided to fold it back up, but with pazzaz and sparkle. I tried using some of my old butterfly knife moves. Here's a little hint, don't. After flipping it and catching trying to fold it I caught the wrong end and it poked me. Upon looking down I only saw a silver line across to bottom part of my hand. I had put a staple completely into my hand in front of a bunch of 11 year olds. Not a good example at all.

Paul "Snakebite" Murphy

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A bad game

I like sports with suspense and excitement. I also like sports where effort can overcome my lack of skills. Frisbee was like that. I didn't have skills but I did have effort. Basketball isn't like that and golf really isn't like that. There is no effort what-so-ever in golf. If I run to my ball faster it doesn't make any difference. It is completely based off skill. Sports aren't based on skill they're based on effort and skill. And this is why golf isn't a sport. But yesterday it got exciting.

So I had a horrible game yesterday. I had more holes where I picked up my ball and walked away then I finished. But then it happened. We were on the 8th hole and I hit a slicing drive. It wound up in the other fairway. But I've been on fire with the 3 wood lately. 220yds away from the pin I could make the shot how I'd been hitting the tre' wood. As Philip and I walked over adjacent to where my ball was we hear a loud "Four!" Then Philip said heads-up just as a ball landed not a few yards from us. Before I could hit my ball I had to let the guys on that hole finish driving. So as we stood there we heard another "Four!" This time I took off running away from the other fairway. To my suprise the second golfer was worse and I ran up running toward his nasty slice that again hit a few yards from Phil and I. Everybody on that hole was finished teeing off and I needed to hit my miraculous shot to save par.

I lined up the tre' wood and went into my backswing. As I began to pull the alloy driver toward the ground I noticed that one more golfer on that hole was about to tee off. So I quickly went into full force and jacked the ball. Unfortunately I miss hit the ball and it jumped strait into the air off the ground. It went about six feet up and in my hurry to get out of Dodge I grabbed the ball out of the air and took off running just as the third golfer was teeing off. I didn't make my great shot. But I also didn't get hit in the junk with a golfball. So it was a good day

Paul "crackers" Murphy