I was talking with a good friend the other day and they were venting some frustrations.
I'm tired of more churches having worship committees than service committees.
I'm tired of people spending more time trying to figure out the best way to praise God and less time trying to find ways to serve God.
I get it; for some people their spiritual life is slightly dependent on what happens between 10am and 12pm on Sunday morning. For some people how close they feel to God is about how amazing a "worship" service is. But don't forget, Jesus never once stops and lectures his apostles about singing songs. He never once tells the parable of the off-key worship leader. Our Christian life isn't about Sunday morning service. I honestly think God is more glorified by the work we do, feeding the hungry, helping the oppressed, being a role model, raising a family, and ministering to the lost than by the songs we sing.
If you think more people will come to your church because of the songs you sing and how good the preaching is I think your nuts. Sure, you may get some people from another church, or people moving into town, but you'll never reach the lost with four part harmony.
I guess I'm kind of frustrated with myself too. About two months ago I decided to start playing ultimate frisbee with a group out at the park. They played on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. So Mark and I would go out and play. We both saw it as a ministry opportunity. It was sort of a missional move. People started joking with us about skipping church. I guess I got tired of dealing with the flak I was taking for skipping church and quit going to play frisbee. How pathetic.
Paul "now I can get my ticket punched on Wed" Murphy
Finally!!!!!Someone who agrees with me that is willing to admit it. Love your post. I enjoy church services and I know that all people are different, but I have often felt like my worship is so much better when I am alone with God without the distractions of "church worship". Don't get me wrong, like I said, love to attend worship services, but my true worship is between God and I, NOT through a worship leader. UGGHHH!!! brings back many annoying memories. Oh well, check out my blog, I haven't written in forever on it, but did tonight. I know your family has a heart for adoption and that is what it is about. Hope you are doing well. Karen
K. Pirkle, at 10/26/2009 9:55 PM
While I agree with your fundamental point, I also see a false dichotomy. Any sacrifice of worship, whether a corporate offering, a private offering, or a service offering, is worship. If any of those take top priority to the point where the others suffer long-term then something is out of whack.
If our corporate worship was unimportant then there would not be so many mentions of the early church coming together in Acts (and following). If our singular acts of service were not important there would not be so many mentions of churches and individuals serving in Acts (and following). If our private worship was not important there would not be so many mentions of it in Acts (and following).
"You'll never reach the lost with four part harmony." True. Anyone who tries to do that is an idiot. But this statement does not, cannot, mean that corporate worship is of no value. I would also never equate "people coming to your church" with "reaching the lost." They are not the same thing. If our tribe ever confused those then it is to our shame.
Also - it seems that you present a singular choice between praising God and serving God. This, too, is a false dichotomy. Again, though, I understand your point.
Swinging the pendulum too far in any direction is not wise. No single expression of worship is sufficient - certainly not for the whole body of Christ.
MichaelPolutta, at 10/27/2009 11:53 AM
Service itself is a form of worship, but I still think that being actively involved in the community of a church is extremely important. We cannot use service as an excuse not to be a part of more traditional worship services or taking quiet time alone with God. We need all of these things to be healthy. We should be following the example of Jesus which included service, alone time with God, and being an active member of a community.
I also think that part of the duty of a church is to nurture and care for its members. Of course a church needs to be reaching outside its doors, but they also have a responsibility to equip those already inside the doors to reach outward. I think that many churches struggle with finding the balance, but I do believe that the church as whole is desperately trying to improve in this.
MSS, at 10/27/2009 7:47 PM
God works in mysterious ways. I was just finishing a blog about christianity and thought i'd flip over to a different one. I enjoyed your blog and from one teacher to another you are doing a great job!
Book Whisperer, at 7/21/2010 7:29 AM
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