Stories of a Moron

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Hero

Today I would like to take the opportunity to celebrate one of my favorite heroes. Someone who served his country in the Air Force as a test pilot (awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and retired as a Major General), was the first director of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (my favorite museum and a dream job), and Astronaut (my favorite).

Congratulations to Michael Collins, and those other guys on Apollo 11, who made the possibilities endless.

Paul "Happy 40th" Murphy


  • Dear Mr. Murphy,
    This is your daily reminder to push up your nerd glasses. You're welcome.

    It's cool. I still like you ;)

    By Blogger Aimée Nicholson, at 7/20/2009 3:24 PM  

  • Next time you are in our town I'll try to find my copy of "The Last Man on the Moon: Astronaut Eugene Cernan and America's Race in Space". Anyone with nerd glasses would probably enjoy it. Amber's Dad :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/22/2009 4:54 PM  

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