Stories of a Moron

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Over-developed Pre-frontal Cortex

I think the part of my brain that's supposed to make me afraid of stuff doesn't work so well. Either that or I'm a moron. Not sure which right now.

Last night Josh, Mark, and I decided to scope out a new local park. Mark said there were a lot of frogs at the park and it may be really good for frog gigging. We also had some interest in the all1gators that reside at the park. Mark has seen up to 12 in a day and the largest one is apparently around 13ft long.

I'll just make a long story short. At some point I found myself in the middle of an all1gator infested pond trying to catch one.

Some days I don't think things through.

Paul "Oh she's a bute" Murphy


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