Last week was rough. One of our elders at church has been having a rough time. A couple of months ago he went in to have an xray(?) on his back and they found an aneurysm in his abdomen and a spot on his lung. The aneurysm wasn't too terrible, but they wound up removing 1/3 of his lung and putting him on chemo therapy. He hasn't been feeling too well and has been having trouble at night. So for the next month or so Danny, Emmanuel, Aaron, and myself will be rotating out spending the nights over at Malcom's place. Malcolm is an old Texan and ACU grad so I'm hoping we can find two other people and play some 42.
A lot of my readers know our campus minister here at Clemson, and my good friend, Matt Fields. Matt's brother Heath died of leukemia Wednesday night and the funeral was Saturday. It's been a really rough week for Matt, David, Lisa, and the whole family. Keep them in your prayers.
I finally got 40 hours last week at work. It was the first time in a long long time. I took me staying until 3am Friday night moving some stuff around, but it feels good to know I won't be losing money in March.
Paul "I'm turning into Uncle Norman" Murphy
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