January was PACKED out with stuff. It was really good to finally have a month where I felt I could take time off and do stuff. It was pretty busy. Outback Bowl in Tampa, FL. Hanging out in L-town for a couple of days. PRAXIS II Test and Preaching the next weekend. Gulf Coast Getaway in Panama City, FL with the college group.
I finished the month up strong with a quick trip to Tennessee. I stopped in at Sam's in Knoxville after work last Thursday night and hung out with him and Mandi. I proceeded on to Nashville to spend some great time in the morning with Josh C. Then Aimee and I hung out at the Cheekwood botanical garden and art exhibit; which sounds pretty gay and whipped, but in my defense it was the $1 per person option of stuff to do in Nashvegas. It was a cheap way to do something interesting but really I just wanted to hang out with Aimee so back off. Then we had dinner (Great pick Kevin) and hung out at her friend's house and then I drove home. Long Friday but hey, I had to be back at work on Saturday. Fantastic way to spend my one day off.
New thought so I'll add some extra space.
I always thought I'd know when I was doing God's will. I always thought that God had a plan for me. I always thought that when I was doing what God wanted me to it would be absolutely clear and evident that I was following the right path. It seems that every time I heard of someone talking about following God that at some point they knew they were making the right decisions because of all the cool stuff that happened to them. Somebody considers moving to a new place, but there not sure, and all of the sudden the perfect job opens up and they're making like $80,000 a year.
I don't have the perfect job. I'm not making $80,000 a year. I'm continually past up for jobs. I'm to the point that I get about one rejection email a week now.
So here's my problem. Why am I working for $10/hr at a sporting goods store?
I hope its not true but the answers that keep creeping into my mind are either
A: I really am not good enough for any of the other jobs I've applied for
B: I'm not in the right place
Paul "I could use some better answers" Murphy
I know what it is like to have the right skills in the wrong place. Not a good feeling being pulled between where you want to be and where you actually should be...being a grown up stinks sometimes.
David Reed, at 2/02/2009 8:57 PM
C. God is preparing you for something later. See Joseph learning how to manage things and learning "the system" for 13 years before becoming BMOC behind Pharoah. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled about where he was, but as he later stated, "God worked it for good".
Also, where did you go eat on Friday night?
Anonymous, at 2/03/2009 6:40 AM
So... you had a cool month... just had an awesome date... with arguably the best looking girl that has ever intentionally sat next to you (that chick at HNL Burger King doesn't count)... and you're griping?
Get over it.
Go. Fight. Win. Kick ___.! (mom probably will read this.)
Anonymous, at 2/03/2009 2:56 PM
J. Alexander per Kevin Stewart's recommendation
Paul Murphy, at 2/03/2009 6:58 PM
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