I'd just like to take a moment and say I called the uprise of Mike Huckabee for the '08 presidential election. He practically won the state of AR for Bush in '04, a democratic state. Also in his home state he holds the worlds single largest retailer by size and money. That's a loaded political weapon. Oh, by the way, he's a Baptist minister. Who in the south wouldn't vote for a Baptist minister? Since the Prohibition Party has been having trouble I have been looking for a new Pres. candidate to vote for. Now it goes against every instinct I have to vote Republican or Democrat, but Mike might be a good vote. Good christian guy on his first wife. All that aside he was named one of America's best governors by Time and is a marathoner. If that isn't presidential material then they'll be jumping to have him as vice-pres. candidate.
Notes on the last blog
I don't like being the preverbial "Steve" on Jerry Springer in Iraq. If those crackwhores want to fight it out, I'm not willing to take the licks.
Upcoming: GE to Iran: Why the world become flat should end quarles about soveriegnty and other stuff
Paul "Bad political post" Murphy
btw: At least I offer solutions unlike other bloggers that just criticize, ie Dr. Mark Elrod, whom I respect.
Since when did I become a qualified strip teacher?
Just thought I'd let you know there's some good Paul Murphy banter on DK's site. I couldn't help but chime in.
one day i'll learn how to post links.
Philip, at 3/02/2007 4:49 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Philip, at 3/02/2007 4:54 PM
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