Bloggers Block
Well the fourth quarter is coming together well. In two weks we "get" to do your high-stakes testing. I really don't have anything against NCLB and testing to make sure students are learning what their supposed to learn. Some teachers say, "Well then you just teach to the test." Well if they're testing what the kids should know then you really should have been teaching to the test all along. I digress
Good things that happened this past week: I got today off. I delivered a cutting devo on circumcision (sarcasm). I have a one-year waranty on my starter I bought in October.
If some of those sound lame it also says something about the week.
We're starting to gear up for the summer around here. Witney is solidifying her plans to come out, we got names of the Sooners for Christ "Let's start talking" group, and I already have my ticket booked for my return flight. I've found that there are many things in life you can procrastinate about; plane tickets on a bi-weekly flight aren't one of those. (jab jab jab)
This post sucks I'm kinda angry, I didn't get out today.
So for a good story. Last year for spring break Doc Stew and I decided to go on a road trip. It started off great. Kev's wife and daugter took off for "Home" on friday. Kevin had to work and I had friday's off. But Kevin also needed to mulch his flower beds over spring break. So I grabbed his truck got some mulch and laid about 3cubic yards of mulch around his house so we could leave that night. Anyway before we left my crazy drug-addict neighbor came and bummed some money off me, as she was accostom to doing with my roomates and myself. Anyway after she had my $5 she asked me to drive her to a random appartment. I abliged to take her on her smack run. It wasn't the first time. Being an optomist I reasoned that it might not have been a nick sack delivery. Anyway, Kevin, Josh, and I went back-country camping on Cumberland Island. We loaded some backpacks with food and shelter and took off on our non-reserved trip. When we got to the island all of the easy spots had been taken, so the park ranger assigned us to a 8 mile hike to our campsite. Now Kevin and I play raquetteball but we don't hike alot. Ughh. But we hiked out and miraculously wound up camping to two girls who were also on spring break. These girls didn't just make the hike but kayaked out to the island to camp in the middle of nowhere. Now that is hot. Then one afternoon they pulled out a frisbee and started throwing around. What a GOLDEN opportunity. Two good looking girls (check) who like camping (double check) and played ultimate (holy crap check). So I did what Paul Murphy does best around girls, I went into my tent and took a knap and let Kevin (married) talk to them.
Once again proof that Paul Murphy truely is a moron. Oh they had to leave ubruptly the next day.
Paul "Frog in the blender level 1" Murphy
Now that's 1998. "Hey look I'm spinnin!" "Hey man this junk and funny" "Alright cut it out" "Wow what a pansy"
Don't worry PMurph. One day you'll figure out how to work your game;) I miss camping & frisbee. They don't play real ultimate here. They play stupid ultimate here. Anyways, did I get your birthday wrong? I thought it was 4/4/84. Sorry if I did. Am I bad. Perk up, you'll always be the studliest Murphy in my book;)
Anonymous, at 4/07/2007 7:51 AM
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