Now I now many of the people that read this horrible joke of a blog, and I know that many of them have made mistakes in the "Ladies" department. I'm not talking about JCPenny's lady's dept. but the opposite sex dept, but not the one at the outpatient plastic surgery office. Confusion. So I know that a few of you have made bad decisions on picking girls, many, freshman year of college. I know that Josh goofed his freshman year with whats-er-name. Sammer had the crazy girl who flew off the handle. Luke Dockery's wife was one of those crazy girls. And Brian Lam always, ALWAYS found the crazy ones.
On island there is a term for crazy girls and guys. Families refer to ex-husbands as "The man" and ex-wives as "The woman." They don't even say the names, ever. I guess its for the better.
My freshman year of college I had a "That girl" experience. So there I was a awkward freshman at the age of 17 strait out of Junior year. I was in English Composition I. We got to write about stuff. I was also busy with Chemistry and some other classes. So there was this girl, Sarah Farris (not her name anymore). I'm sure Sarah wasn't immediately enthrawled with me, but I've got a ridiculous sense of humor, or she was desperate, I'm not really sure. So I began to grow on Sarah, without me trying at all. I would be my stupid self and she laughed. I recall one night walking back to the dorm in 34degree cold after jumping in the fountain just to amuse her. It was fun and I had Brian Lam with me. She is also the reason I am friends with Sam T. today. One night for open house I invited her over to my dorm room. After waiting for an hour and she didn't show I ventured down the hall. I found Sam's door open and he was playing FIFA soccer, he wasn't very good so I offered my thoughts. Later I was sulking in Josh's room when Brian L. came by and informed me Sarah dropped by my room but couldn't find me. Dope. So after a while I started to realize that this Sarah girl had a thing for me. Unfortunately it wasn't until she would call me at 2am for chemistry help and laid a kiss on me in the middle of the Student Center. That was strage. But I thought it was some sweet action and thought I might go for some more.
But things didn't go as I had planned. I had a good friend by the name of Daniel Burns who was watching out for me that year. Burns realized that there was something not quite right about this girl. So instead of being like, "hey Paul, she's no good." And me being stupid and like, "you just want her for yourself jerk." Burns found a different way. "Hey Paul, you ever notice that when she makes that face her chin completely molds in with her neck?" "no." But every time she made this face after being dismayed about something her chin would disappear. Not cool. It wasn't cool. We stopped talking. And sure enough Burns was right, there was something not right. She turned out to be a bit of a skank. Mary-Beth could tell you the story about her getting caught sneaking out of the girls dorms at 1am in the morning, for waffles I'm sure.
So here's a big thanks to Daniel Burns for watching out for me that year. You rock.
Paul "At least my story isn't as bad as Sam's" Murphy
It's b/c he's Asian
Paul, I have changed your link title on my page as you requested ;).
Glad you didn't marry weird, disappearing chin, skanky girl. Please share this story with my little brother and warn him of the dangers. He'll be here in the fall and I don't want a skanky sister in law.
MSS, at 3/08/2007 7:45 AM
It has been said a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. So Mr Murphy whenyou turn 82, are still single, and begin ruing a life of missed opportunities I hope that you will remember large Miss Disappearing Chin Skanky and then beat youself with your walking cane for not taking a shot at the best thing to ever happen to you.
Anonymous, at 3/08/2007 11:55 AM
I'm not sure what was more pathetic, the fact you forgot about a date with Ms. Nochin, or the fact that you jumped in a fountain at freezing temperatures to impress her in the first place. I think flowers or a nice email may have been the more traditional, subtle method to impress her... but whatever works for you.
I actually went into your room that year, and I can't imagine any person with a nose actually volunteered to enter your dorm room. She must have really been interested. Also, it's funny how Harding skank means she snuck out. Oooh such a rebel.
Good news - at least you didn't settle.
Bad news - at some point, you'll take A.Hasten's advice. (which I refuse to print because my wife reads this blog too.)
Philip, at 3/08/2007 12:59 PM
A. Hasten-
When it comes to marriage, we all settle
Paul Murphy, at 3/08/2007 2:48 PM
Yeah, we all settle - but sometimes we settle up!
By the way, PRAY that Kristi doesn't read your blog!
renee, at 3/08/2007 4:17 PM
The question is who is settling for who?
MSS, at 3/08/2007 5:24 PM
I don't know man, all I had to put up with was someone that went seemingly psychotic. I didn't jump in freezing water, which to me seems psychotic of itself. So from my perspective, I might say that yours was the worse story. Oh, and my psycho-chick didn't have a chin that dissolved in to her neck.
Sam Travaglini, at 3/08/2007 10:07 PM
nah, man.
Neck dissolving is definitely better than Psychotic.
Josh M, at 3/09/2007 9:33 AM
So Sam´s official excuse is `yeah, she may have been pyscho... but at least I didn´t try to impress an ugly girl´. Not very impressive. Josh, thanks for ratting your friend out. Sam and I will have a nice little chat to correct the error of his ways.
Amanda, at 3/09/2007 1:47 PM
uh oh. Sam got his hand slapped. Nothing like a little censorship to get the blog rolling.
I still can't believe Paul used her real name.
Also, I saw a picture of her, and she was CLEARLY out of Paul's league. Although Paul's league may be vanishing with each blog. by the way... dude, you need to delete every post before some potential date actually reads this. You could possibly have a shot to the midsection before you even say, "hello." at least the date would be uphill from there.
Philip, at 3/10/2007 1:25 AM
"Luke Dockery's wife was one of those crazy girls."
Luke Dockery, at 3/10/2007 6:53 PM
Maybe it was a different Caroline. And the girl wasn't fat, you can facebook her. And dude, we all did stupid stuff our freshman year.
Paul Murphy, at 3/10/2007 6:56 PM
Not cool.
Luke Dockery, at 3/11/2007 6:13 AM
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