As I began pondering this thought a few nights ago I had a firm idea that church was for girls. Church has gotten fruffy. Lets start with the scenary. Flowers up on stage- girly. Curtains in front of the baptistry-girly. Purlple on the cross- ehh a stretch, but feministic. Our implements of communion are stached in shiny nice looking vesseles, except for the N.A. coC which have manly hand-crafted wood-shop style trays. Also think about all the conversations about the carpet color being outdated, the building not having an apealing exterior, and the constant remodeling of the women's bathroom. I thought church was the true place of equality, but not if you've ever walked into the women's bathroom compared to mens. I don't make this a habit but it happens. (Wow there's no making that sound right). umm Fruffy. Right. Sense when did we need padded pews or new "welcome" mats.
Next, lets examine the order of worship. We sing songs about love and embraces. And don't get me started on Amazing Love. We water down our language with fruffyness. We talk about Adoring; what's adorable about manly stuff. Nothing. By the way, what's adorable about crucifixtion. We've invented the "Worship Service." Frankly I think, wait, know we abuse the term worship. First of all I think what many people reffer to as a worship service is really a praise service. It seems that worship is more related to a sacrifice, like old-school cows and whatnot. Paul (the wiser) said that offering our bodies... was our worship. Which brings me to point 3a
Worship style. I am tired of the same old worship style. I'm not talking about whether we sing Luther songs or Michael W. Smith, I don't really care. I'm talking about our canned style of Sunday morning "worship." Apart from the offering basket (which moves faster than a skateborad at the X-games), I don't see anybody making real sacrifices on Sunday morning during the sermon. Wait, yes there are. There are generally three to four people really "worshiping" during the service. The ladies (or gentelmen) who are in the back coraling 16 kids, half who have ADHD. There's where the sacrifice or worship is. Christ didn't spend every Sabath waiting to be served by women, but taking it to the people, healing the sick, and offering his time.
I'm not saying we should ditch the current format, but maybe we should consider it. Also its easy to talk big but lets see if Paul Murphy can put his time where is fingers are (mouth is typing reference). So Sunday, May 19th will be Worship Sunday. I'm going to pick up trash on the side of the road, maybe people will see God's glory. If I see any homeless people I'll take them to lunch. It seems better than self-service church service. It also lacks any tainting of fruffyness as I will be getting my hands dirty, real dirty.
Paul "Better on Paper" Murphy
P.S. this is probably why I love Palmetto Bible Camp so much. It gives me an opportunity to serve in a manly way. I move 150 lb pews, run around coraling campers, and push little girls up a mountain (who, btw, drank all my water last time). Its a manly time of service.
Next post- It's not about the shotguns and grunting- more of the courageous part. Apolegitics of Wild at Heart and GodMen
Yeah and those little girls talked about you so much in my cabin! Trust me, it made a lasting impression and was greatly appreciated! P Murph, I know I say this like all the time but you really are a stud!
Anonymous, at 4/10/2007 6:12 AM
Interestingly enough on May 9 I will be sitting on the side of the road right across from Cost U Less. Please take pitty on me and take me to lunch (on you of course). I think the Equator does a great Thai Curry so if you were to take me there then it would show great service to God and what greater sacrifice is there than showing an Atheist the glory of gods purchasing power.
Also, I do not normally knock others that offer comments on blogs (note I used normally because out of 12 comments added I have only knocked people 4 times so statistics would state that NORMALLY I do not knock people)...anyway I am started to get freaked out by Jeffrey constantly referring to you as a stud. I hope that you do not blush when he pays you such love is a sin you know!
Anonymous, at 4/10/2007 12:21 PM
I realize it's not completely a sound idea. Jeffrey and I go way back.
Paul Murphy, at 4/10/2007 1:11 PM
After helping all those little girls up the mountain I'm sure at least one of them would go out with just have to give them 5-6 years until they are legal.
And as far as the "Wild at Heart" thing, i haven't actually read it, but I did read the woman's version "Captivating" and they were pretty dead on with a lot of stuff I thought. I think the key is a balance. I think that there are some clearly defined gender roles (regardless of whether Amanda Pratt or I like it.) I think that the culture of today has really confused a lot of people and blurred the gender lines so much that even chivalry is seen as insult. I admit that I've always been a bit of a feminist type, but in recent years I've realized that I really do appreciate it when a man is strong (strength of character more than physcial). I'm not saying I want him wrestling alligators with his bare hands or anything, but someone I know will protect me and stand up for me. I certainly don;t want a guy who is a macho, condecending jerk, but I don't want a wussy guy either.
On the other hand I think you can go too far with this "Wild at Heart" thing and force guys to be insensitive in exchange for strength. I don't think a lack of emotion or displays of anger make a man strong, quite the opposite really. A man who can set aside pride and show true emotion is a lot stronger than the one who can't. The idea that boys don't cry is just stupid and unhealthy. I've seen almost all the men I greatly respect, cry at some point in time and it increased my respect for them if anything.
I should probably have saved this comment for your next post. Oh well...
MSS, at 4/10/2007 2:34 PM
my 3 cents
1) Paul you really need a spell-checker.
2) What kind of word is "fruffy"?
3) Remodel the men's room if you want, go right ahead. I am the one who requested the ladies remodel since only those under 3.5 feet tall could use one of the stalls if they wanted the door closed!
mk, at 4/10/2007 4:51 PM
Firefox has a built in spell checker that works while you type.
Josh M, at 4/10/2007 7:33 PM
We do go way back;) The day we went to get propane still makes me laugh for a good five minutes every time I think about it;)
Anonymous, at 4/10/2007 11:07 PM
Last I checked it wasn't you putting up drywall and tile till 2am when it was being remodled. It wasn't me either though...
Paul Murphy, at 4/11/2007 1:50 AM
Spell check is for women. It's so Un Manly. It's like asking for directions, except you're asking a computer.
Philip, at 4/14/2007 9:29 PM
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