Stories of a Moron

Sunday, April 15, 2007


First of all I would like to start out with telling everyone about this great new exercise program I've discovered. So don't buy that Chucknorris powerslide or a bowflex just yet.

I know that everyone would like to be a little more fit. Building muscle is a way to reduce fat and burn more calories. Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Now I know what you are all thinking, "How much is this great new plan going to cost me?" (at least that's what Murphy's think) Well I've got news for you, not only is this plan effective but it's also Murphycheap.

This is what you do. Go to your car and locate the battery, something even a complete idiot should be able to. But Paul, what if I can't find the battery on my car? Well then you should go cut your... cease calling yourself a man and this workout isn't for you. You don't need more muscle you need more brain, and I don't have anything for that. Locate the possitive (+) cable, its ussually red. Follow this cable to your starter. Now, using a socket set, either disconect your starter, or just take it completely out! What you have is now the "Paul Murphy weight set" for much less than any competitors price! Now all you have to do is push your car to start it. Too hard? Well start with some friends! Too easy? Start parking facing uphill or in the grass (where beafy guys like me park)! As a bonus you can now buy that old car that your wife said would take too much work. For a specailty single out a carmaker and move up! Personally I would pick AMC. You can start with that dream AMC Pacer for an easy push! Once you've mastered that move on up to the Gremlin. Already done that uphill in the snow? The beauty of AMC is they were also responsible for the AMC Hummer. I choose the speacial armored addition for extra weight.

Try It TODAY!!!

In other news I would like to ask a question of my many medical and medical related proffesional friends.

Does this look infected to you???
I touched my shin bone through it.

Paul "Mr. Immature" Murphy


  • PM,

    Looks like a mere scratch...that white stuff is called puss and is the bodies way of getting rid of germs and since there is puss this means that the germs are being got rid of and thus not infected - or is it since there is puss there are germs and therefore infected. Hey, what do I know.

    Anyway, you say you can touch your shin bone. I was wondering if you could do me a favour and reach a bit further to see if the next thing you touch is your thigh bone. I have always questioned the validity of that old song "the shin bones connected to the (slight pause) thigh bone". I actually think the shin bone is probably connected to a bunch of tendons and a patella is surely in there somewhere. So please take this opportunity to slip your fingers in there and find the answer for me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/16/2007 12:33 PM  

  • Definitely infected.

    By Blogger Philip, at 4/16/2007 12:34 PM  

  • Maybe it's gangrene;) Go soak it in some hot salt water.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/16/2007 12:51 PM  

  • i'll second the salt water idea.

    By Blogger Josh M, at 4/16/2007 2:37 PM  

  • Hmm, maybe it got infected when you stuck your grimey finger in there to touch your shin bone.

    By Blogger Luke Dockery, at 4/16/2007 9:01 PM  

  • Not much meat on the shin in there there?

    1) What part of your body is that exactly?
    2) I wouldn't worry about it unless it A) smells bad or B) is warm and tender
    3) You're stupider-er (I just looked at facebook for the first time in months)

    By Blogger DK, at 4/16/2007 10:41 PM  

  • It really reaks(ed). I'm never using a band-aid again. I think that's what started this whole shebang. It had nothing to do with me swimming in a sespool of water after slicing my leg open

    By Blogger Paul Murphy, at 4/17/2007 12:42 AM  

  • You are lucky a NZer risked his life to break your fall otherwise it could have been worse...much worse.
    Insurers, giving in order for others to survive!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 2:01 PM  

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