Stories of a Moron

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Valentines Day Stories

Like I said last week I'm not a big Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day fan. That should mean I have some dumb stories.

I remember as a little kid Valentine's Day was a pain. Mom would make me create a list of all the kids in my class so we could put their name on a card. The next day I scrambled around silently placing brightly colored cards in makeshift mailboxes. It was really a chore. Teachers and real friends got a card with a Hershey Kiss hot glued to it. Mother was so creative.

Valentine's Day was always disappointing. For some reason I always felt some irrational feeling that I was not doing the Valentine's thing properly. My Valentine's were like Thanksgiving without food; it just didn't seem right.

My junior year at HU I was waltzing through Wal-Mart and I noticed those elementary valentines day cards. It was the night before vd so I think they were already discounted. Discount + Murphy = Golden. So I purchased two packs. One was Batman and the other was... I don't remember but it definitely wasn't the fairy princess collection. That night I went to the computer labs and cpweb stalked everybody I was friends with to get their box number. I had over 50 cards to label. Unfortunately I still have some of those today in a box somewhere. That being said I did find a few ladies that I knew, but not that well, to send some Batman valentines card to. It was dumb, but I think ever body like to know someone is at least thinking about them enough to look up their address and write it on a batman card.

When I was working on my Grad work their at Hu one of my classes was on Tuesday night. It just so happened to coincide with Valentine's day. My friend J.J. joked he was going to bring a date. I had no time on tuesdays for such nonsense. I started work at 8am then worked until 4:30 when my first class started. It lasted from 4:30 to 7 pm. Then my class with J.J. started and went to 9:30. It was a 13.5 hour day and was nasty so I had no time for planning a date to take to class. I also had no time to eat supper in that schedule. Luckily I had the trusty Justin Bland for both of those night classes.

On Vd I finished my work early in our first class. So I was headed home for a quick sandwich. On my way out of class I asked Bland if he too wanted a sandwich b/c he didn't get supper either. Bland agreed it would be most excellent. So I walked the couple of blocks to the house and made some sandwiches. But I thought I'd add some pizazz to the mix so I brought some candles and a tablecloth. Yes one of my only decent Vd was when I brought Justin Bland a sandwich and we had a candlelight dinner in Secondary Education. It was pretty gay; and funny.


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