I find that Michael Vick and I may be in a similar position. We are both looking at living cheap for a while. Now Mike's version of cheap is probably like a $100,000/month budget while mine is a little bit smaller. Anyways I'm currently trying to save up enough to make it to New Zealand at Christmas. I call it the "Stuper Duper spend Christmas in Christchurch" Vacation. Between my back tithes and credit card bill I've fallen a little behind the 8 ball. It's budgeted out, unless my truck takes another turn for the worse. Anyways I'll be skipping on the amenities for the next few months in order to pay for bungee jumping. So here's my advice to Michael Vick, someone who will also be skipping on amenities for the next few months. The super duper sandwich recipe.
I call it the "Poor Mexican." All it takes is some juevos. Well that and bread. And salsa; that's what make is "mexican." Anyway here is the Murphy-cheap recipe.
Ingredients: Four eggs
Four pieces of bread
Two tablespoons of salsa
Directions: Scramble Eggs in pan
Toast bread
Make two sandwiches and add 1 tablespoon of salsa to each.
Calories: check. Protein: Check Grains: Double Check Fruit: Tomatoes a vegetable right? Vegetable: Check Cheap: Triple Check
Paul "a little for the chef" Murphy
Taste:Che—wait. That doesn't actually sound very tasty at all.
Of course, the fact that I have the palette of a ten year old might have something to do with that.
Luke Dockery, at 8/23/2007 6:51 AM
For cheap eating - it's still pretty hard to beat beans and cornbread. You can make one pot of beans and eat for a week - refried beans, bean soup, bean burritos...etc.
renee, at 8/23/2007 2:43 PM
I work with highschool students, I don't think beans is the best meal choice.
Paul Murphy, at 8/23/2007 7:33 PM
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