Stories of a Moron

Monday, August 06, 2007

Getting through school

I remember going off to college for the first time. No, wait, oh there it is. I seem to be getting older. Anyways, I remember loading up the Suburban with our junk. The our being Josh and me. We had the back of the car packed with the seats folded down. Josh brought along his 5ft giant smiley face he acquired that summer; an old remnant of the great gas station. Blah blah blah college.

College was a little frightening. Though I don't like talking about my age, I was about 12 months younger than everybody else. Luckily I had Josh and D. Burns to help guide me through those first treacherous months. By my Sophomore year I knew I was in deep trouble. Good grades in college require studying; something I was not accustom to during high school. By my Junior year I was busily and frantically packed with history papers to write. Since I never, and still don't, had a computer most of the actual writing of papers took place in the campus computer labs. It was a dull dreary place with a formidable task. 15 pages on the Diamond mining industry in S. Afr. 20 pages on Hobos during the depression. 15 pages on ethics during wartime. The list goes on, and on. I often was daunted by the formidable tasks ahead of me. One semester I had over 70 pages of papers due. All this lead to me spending hours in the computer labs at Harding staring at a white computer screen with black, mundane, serif type. It was boring. I decided changing my background picture would help. I changed it to this. Thinking someday I might get to visit some place this relaxing and scenic.

And this is where I live now.
Well I guess writing all of those papers paid off.

Just as an update I'll be teaching History and Math this year with a side of Computer Programing. Sounds like fun.

Paul "Toucan Sam" Murphy

"Don't waste your time finding out who you are, become who you want to be."
-Bathroom stall at USC

BTW I scored my first birdie the other day in golf. Sweetness.


  • You got through college with out a computer?! Why didn't you tell me that before we bought Logan a new one to take to Harding?

    By Blogger renee, at 8/07/2007 12:46 PM  

  • Paul: This might be one of your best posts yet. Thanks a bunch.

    Renee: Logan will likely pay for a computer about 5 times over with Harding's technology fees.

    By Blogger Josh M, at 8/07/2007 2:42 PM  

  • great post! isn't it great to be out of college? oh, wait a minute, i'm still in college.

    By Blogger Paulo J, at 8/07/2007 3:09 PM  

  • me too... that's why I like to live vicariously through those who have graduated. Yes, I will be a 22 year old sophomore this year. Could be worse... like DK....

    By Blogger Aimée Nicholson, at 8/11/2007 8:05 PM  

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