If your a guy, you know the situation. You've played it in your head a thousand times or more. There she is. A girl who is possibly the best looking girl you have ever seen. But there's a problem, you speak two totally different languages. How will you communicate? Where will this relationship go? What happens when you have to go your seperate ways? Is this the "One"? But most importantly to guys, "How do I find a way to start a neutral conversation?" It's almost impossible. You need some freak sway in fate, luck, or divine providence in order to not seem like a creepy weirdo probing for a date. Besides; 99.98% of the time she wouldn't even give you the time of day; even if she was wearing a "Flav-O-Flave" style clock on a gold chain around her neck. But then there's that one time when you get your chance...
So there Colt and I were at the LAX airport. We just got through security and were searching for some great airport food. Burger King was the choice. This was an important BK lounge because it would be me and Colts last journey to Whopperland for a year. So we gallantly stepped in line, ordered, and recieved our food. But the place was packed. Colt and I found an empty table for four and sat down, proud of our skillful orders. I informed Colt that we needed to leave the other two seats open in case other peopled needed somewhere to eat. That's when she walked up. Beautiful at 5'4" with long, trailing, blonde hair. Now some times immature males will "rank" women on an objective, looks-only, 10 point scale. For many of us it's a bell curve. Statistics support this way of looking at any population; its true, most of us our average. Anyway, if you were going to rank her she would have fell in the 99 percentile. Well above two standard deviations from the mean. This girl was in fact, a "10."
She was at the airport with her family about to fly home to France. I had noticed her family earlier because there was a middle-aged blind woman in the group, but I had not seen her at the time. Quick side. Blind people are irristible to stare at. They get around with such ease. And they can't catch you staring at them. Back to the story. The patriarch of the family notices the resteraunt is full and is looking for a place to cache his blind wife while he went to order food. Luckily Colt and I had just the spot. He motioned at our table, as if to ask "can I drop off my blind wife and rediculously hot daughter?" I made the international sign for "sit right here." Here was my chance.
As the girl sits down next to me and her mom next to Colt I thought of a million ways to start the conversation. But my body seemed to falter. I tried to ask a simple question to the French matriarch when my hand shoved another bite of french fries into my mouth. "Hi. Your sitting next to Colt and I'm Paul." "Do you know if the french fry came from France?" "He's not my kid you know." "I'm sorry I don't speak french. But I can show you what French I do know." All these phrases and more rushed through my brain, but my mouth was occupied over and over by a bite of fries. Once again I managed to do what Paul Murphy does best in the situation. Act like the scenary. Another dissapointing day in Paul's life. I'm a moron.
Paul "Somebody shoot me" Murphy
So I have this infallible technique that is guaranteed to work...
stemy, at 8/02/2007 12:20 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Dockery, at 8/02/2007 6:46 AM
“He motioned at our table, as if to ask "can I drop off my blind wife and rediculously hot daughter?" I made the international sign for "sit right here."”
Ha, that was outstanding?
Another great conversation starter would've been:
"How come you guys wussed out so badly in WWII?"
Luke Dockery, at 8/02/2007 6:47 AM
"Hi my name is Paul, and this is some street urchan I found hanging around the airport. The humanitarian side of me decided to purchase him a meal. I do not normally feel too comfortable talking to females but a friend told me to imagine you naked and it would be much easier......doh, hang on he told me not to do that....dang too late (face goes bright red) excuse me" you thenget up and walk away leaving colt there. Hopefully the good looking chick will feel for you and you awkwardness. She will come running after you, abandoning her blind mother. She will say something in french....which means she did not understand a single word you said and only picked up on your embarrasment. Holding your hand she will walk you back to the table.
What to do from there I can not advise you on.
Anonymous, at 8/02/2007 12:25 PM
Yet another sad example of you living up to the title of this blog, Paulus you're killing me.
Jeremiah Stoneburner, at 8/02/2007 6:12 PM
1. Certainly "Hey Baby Me" didn't fail you.
2. In an airport you can't go wrong with buying a girl Starbucks, a frothy or rocky beverage, or an ice cream cone!
I've had all 3 of those bought for me en route to somewhere and it always at least killed some good lay over time. Maybe you should teach Colt to do something really cute.
3. I'll always think you're a stud!
Anonymous, at 8/03/2007 5:26 AM
Mark Twain once said, "Better to have people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Then again, I believe it was Nike that said, "Just do it."
There you go. That's my "Home-Improvement"-Wilson moment.
Mr. Snyder, at 8/03/2007 4:55 PM
A piece of advice about girls...
All any girl really wants is a little bit of attention. It doesn't matter if you are ugly or can't spell. It doesn't matter if the words that come out of your mouth don't make any sense. If you make an effort to say SOMETHING at all, it will get you much further than if you don't say anything. Also, most hot girls do not realize that they are hot. You may think, "wow, this girl is out of my league," but that is absolutely false. It's pretty sad, really. The hot girls who are actually nice and not stuck up tend to be pretty lonely because everyone is too intimidated to speak to them. This is why they often end up with jerks... because the jerky guys are arrogant enough to actually pay the girls some attention. This is also why you sometimes see really hot girls with butt-ugly guys. These dudes probably figured they had nothing to lose (or they were lonely too so they could relate to how the girl was feeling), so they bothered to speak to her. So, when you notice a hot girl that interests you, don't worry about trying to come up with something smart or witty to say. At that point, you just need to show the girl that you have noticed her. You can start by smiling and saying, "hello." (Yes, it is that easy.) Don't worry if she doesn't respond immediately. She is probably just as intimidated by you as you are by her, so just keep trying. And, Paul, don't take this the wrong way, but you really are not that bad looking. You really ARE a moron if you think these girls are so much better than you. You have every reason to have plenty of confidence in yourself concerning girls. If you get the to point where you are writing the girl a letter, though, you really should check the spelling before you send it...
Anonymous, at 8/05/2007 1:23 AM
Is Becky stating you're a butt-ugly Moron?
Note to self: buy Paul a book of pickup lines for Christmas.
"Help the homeless... take me home with you."
I would have used... "wow"
Philip, at 8/07/2007 3:58 PM
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