Today I messed up. Today my class was scheduled to go on our first fieldtrip. I use to love fieldtrips. On our fieldtrip we were going to Lion's Park to launch our rockets. The park is a big open field about 1800 ft long and pretty wide. It is also where all baseball and softball is played on the island.
So off we went. Parents showed up to drive right on time and we drove out to the park.
Now Lion'a park was probably not the best place on the island for our fieldtrip. We might should have gone to the never used baseball stadium. Unfortunately they don't let anybody on the field, not even baseball teams. So the park was a good option.
Now when we arrived at the park there was a little wind. A little wind never hurt anyone right? So Group 3 took out their emmaculately painted and constructed rocket. They spent a lot of time making it and making it look good. It looked great. But I don't have a picture and this is why.
To launch our rockets we were using C6-5 engines. These are the Tim Taylor engines of small model rockets. So Group 3's rocket took off. Blasted up to the cloud overhead, sliceing through the air. It looked great. Great until the parachute deployed and it started drifting. Now a lost rocket isn't a big deal but these guys put alot of time and effort into it. Worse it was heading toward the adjacent airport. Not good. It continued to drift and narrowly missed some powerlines. It settled gently on the airport. I'm sure this is some sort of Federal offense, launching rockets at an airport with airplanes inbound. Worse, I'm thinking about going and getting it tonight.
Overall we lost two rockets, one of which was the one I built that spun erradicly out of control from take-off. Ooops.
Paul "The terrorist training camp" Murphy