Brad Stine is a funny guy. In fact he's a funny christian stand-up comedian. Plus he doesn't go on racial tirades like other stand-ups. Now he's no Dave Chapelle but still funny. He's funny. His latest venture is kind of a snub to Promise Keepers. He apparently decided that it wasn't manly enough with women starting to come and all. So they started this thing called "Manliness is next to Godliness." I like the idea. It's on the same lines as "Wild at Heart" except without the whining in the middle.
The idea is that church has become to girly with its flowers, holding hands, singing about long embraces, and fighting over the color of the carpet. So they decided to do man things. Its kinda like PK meets Wild at Heart meets Jack#@$ meets an Audio Adrenaline concert. That's some of what I haven't enjoyed about PK, that they say their having a christian band for a guy function then bring out Chris Tomlin. Noting against Chris Tomlin, but he's just not a manly man singer guy. Give me Relient K, Switchfoot, or some hard thumping band. And that's what Stine et. al. have done. And if any women don't like the whole idea of guys being guys, especially at church; I say "Put a helmet on!"
Next best idea of the week
At Boston University the College Republicans are offering a scholarship to a scholarly person. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher; they must write two essays. Best of all they have to be at least 1/4th white. Now my question is what self-respecting Afr.-Am goes to Boston University for anything besides ball. Also, who's going to be like "Hey I'm 3/8ths white, I'll apply for this $250 scholarship. I like the idea and may send some money. At Harding I wasn't elligble for most scholarships b/c I wasn't: from Mexico, a missionary's kid, a preacher's kid, in the Bible dept., from Paragould, a 1st gen. college student, a girl, or any other absurd definition for scholarships. It kinda stinks to think that Diana will only have to hold a 3.5 gpa and 1250 SAT (old) to get an almost full ride to most universities. At the same time, Austin only has to make a 3.5 and 1250 to get a full ride. So there's hope for mom and dad. I don't like the idea of having race based scholarships. But, if everybody else is doing it then Whity should get to as well. I just wish is was a more reputable group then the College Republicans offering it.
Paul "No more holding hands with guys" Murphy
that's a refference to the church thing not to any "problem"
Dear Jason- I've given you enough for a good lashing. I expect greatness.
How does Paragould come in on the list of scholarship eligibility? You must have a story to back up this one.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 7:46 PM
People donate money to Harding with some strange requirements. If you look in the back of the catalog it had some crazy stuff like be from the West End Bonnerville CoC.
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 1:03 AM
Brad Stine is about as funny as his sister Philly and it is obvious that he has never been to a real Promise Keepers meeting. You see the PK's are just like the brethren. There are the Open PK's and the closed PK's. The open PK's seem to like the concept but are not allowed in on the actual thing. They can only guess what goes on behind closed doors and end up making a farce of the whole whole thing by getting together on Friday nights to watch Heath Ledger cowboy movies. I understand it was the open PK's who coined the phrase bromance...a name given to their relationship with their fellow xy chromosoned comrades.
The closed PK's is an organisation I used to belong to. Unfortunately I was removed for being too right wing. At our meetings we simply get together to eat hot wings, play video games, and admire Salma Hayek movies. The meetings are usually held Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 6:45....timed so we can get out of helping out wives with doing the dishes. The whole pink shirt wearing, guys hugging propooganda we put out is to put the wives off the scent...they think we are all getting in touch with our feelings in a religous context. As you can see it was the open PK's who really brought into that lie. In a couple of weeks there is going to be the closed PK's coke bottle massacre. This is where you arm yourself with an empty 1.5litre and an empty 2litre plastic bottle (the shape of a coke makes it the perfect weapon)and you go around blugeoning other people until 1 is left standing. Maybe Mr Brad Stine could come along and then we could test exactly how close to godliness he is.
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 1:49 PM
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