Stories of a Moron

Saturday, November 11, 2006

(Random Useless Title)

Well this weekend is going OK. We were suprised when we were alerted earlier in the week we would be getting friday off for Veteran's Day.
I've noticed that whenever my truck goes down I started getting sad. One of my goals is to be completely self-sufficient. Last year I was pretty self-sufficient paying for housing, food, school, and whatnot. I realize that living with Philip and Jaime is not being self-sufficient (sS from not on), but I'm not making a killing with my current salary.
So Morty (the truck)'s starter is gone, and by gone I mean broke. More specifically the attatched Solenoid is no longer working. I went to NAPA and they said it would be $317 for a new starter. Later I called and they said they didn't sale just the solenoid. So I've been shopping online for a solenoid, and have reduced my impending purchase to $30. Murphy Cheap pays off. But still I won't actually get the part for a while and the truck is paralyzed from the neck up; dead. Worse is I always get depressed when my truck breaks b/c it means I'm not sS at all. I have to get rides to work, from work, the store, and stuff. Yesterday I walked/ran about 6 miles to get around town. My heals are bleeding.
I remember one time my good friend David Hayes said his dream was to be a Hermit. What a stupid idea. But, as a hermit you only have yourself to take care of and can be completely sS. Being a hermit appeals to me more now.
Also I think my truck going down makes me miss playing mainland sports, frisbee being top, football, and stuff. I really need to get out and play more.

In a final note I bought a pig, training and supplies for a family in Uganda to hold up my end of the Pig Challenge.

Paul Murphy

Oh last thing. Movie recommendation for the week
Saint Ralph but note the PG-13 rating for our younger viewers. Hilariously funny. Jeremy Stoneburner def. needs to rent this one.


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