So friday night Shuan and I were invited by Stephen to go to the "Mtv something somthing" at American Samoa Community College. So Shaun and I both canceled our hot dates for the night and went to the auditorium. Anyways it couldn't be that bad, it was the "MTV something something." We thought that an MTV affiliate or maybe Carson Daily's cousin would be there.
What we thought would be cool Samoan bands playing turned out to be ASCC version of spring sing, or sing song, or celebration depending on which interpretation you have. There were two sections, super freak and free style. Each club did a choreographed thingy to Rick James' (smack) "Super Freak" then later did their own compilation. Now there is an inherent cultural issue with "Super Freak," girls aren't allowed to dance or dress skank. So most of the clubs pulled a Jesse Shuff, and since Shuff doesn't read this blog I can say this. They had some dudes dress up as hooch women, some of which were entirely too comfortable in their four inch heals. One group had their freestyle sessions abruptly stopped due to one of their girls getting to "super freaky."
All in all it was a pretty good experience.
Part 2: Rant of the day. To the Lewis Speedway Church of Christ in St. Augustine, FL. You suck.
So when Josh and I went to The Aug. to sail we needed a place to park the shaggin' waggon. We figured on the hospitality of the local CoC. So we went and got the bright light police officer drill when we asked them if we could leave the car. They even asked for Josh's DL. Ok at least we got to park our car.
But then Amber needed a place to park for a week or so when she came down. Naturally she called the same church. The church's minister's reply went something like this: We have a parking issue, and already have someone leaving their car, NO. Amber wound up having to park at an airport parking thingy for the week.
So here's to the gay-wads at the Lewis Speedway CoC thanks for your christian hospitality to your fellow brothers and sisters. You suck.
Paul "song # 986" Murphy
I sort of hope the next time you get googled Lewis Speedway Church of Christ in St. Augustine, Saint Augustine, FL, Fl, Florida this pops up first.
3 Comments:;pid=330288;d=this
Any thoughts?
KStewDawg, at 10/30/2006 10:15 AM
Sanford isn't as good as the article may lead you to believe. He's notorious for passing empty legislation i.e. tort reform and school vouchers. Both have done little to reform anything. As with most op-ed pieces, this article did not tell you about any negatives of Gov. Sanford.
But he is a cheapie, thus most Murphys would probably vote for him for this reason alone.
Philip, at 10/30/2006 11:32 AM
not really sure what that article was...
Sanford really does confuse me. Cheap sounds good, but my tuition keeps going up.
Also, ditto to the NO props for that sorry church. I only hope that most churches of christ aren't so ... what's the tactful word? Eh, they make me sick.
Josh M, at 10/30/2006 7:46 PM
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