Well I haven't posted in over a week and for good reason. I hate posting when I don't have anything interesting or funny to post about. I tried ghetto rigging my solenoid. That didn't work. Then I managed to mess up Philip's electrical system on his trying to jump his car. Philip's car is now fine. In all I've wasted $36 on crap trying to fix my darn truck, pluls another $17 on tools. An $18 dollar "power port" (cigarette lighter) jumper cable system blew up on me after I tried making it work. My 14 gauge electrical wire worked as a jumper cable, but not as a switch to fix my explative adjective truck. It wouldn't be that bad but its combined with a few other things that make life difficult. Including the bank closing at 3:00 pm (just before I can make it) and their overnight deposit is the atm (which never has any freaking envelopes). This post has turned into what I'd tried avoiding; negative complaining about stuff. I'll buy my starter off ebay and hopefully get it before xmas break. If I get screwed on ebay I will make it my goal to hunt the person down and dunk them in a public restroom tolliet.
Tommorow- Most disgusting Pizza Hut story ever.
Paul, your post can not hide the embitteredness of a frustrated man. I would not hesitate to say the embitteredness of a frustrated man whe seemingly still has not learnt one of lifes most important lessons.I like to call it 'ole uncle J's' 'the cost of regret'. You see it is obvious this situation has occurred becasue you are trying to save a few dollars - if this was not true then you simply would have gone to the local auto shop and purchased a starter kit. But noooooo one you hope to get a date and so must hold every dollar you can because it is likely that the lucky lady would be able to woof down 3 big mac meals in a single sitting so you need to be able to pay for it - you can not expect to be dating Mary Kate Olsen after being out of the game for so long can you? Anyway, now you are facing the lessons of 'the cost of regret'. Which are many and varied:
1. Even if Ms Large Samoa was in the hunt for a romantic liaison you would be under qualified as you do not have a ride.
2. You have lost your self sufficiency and are now a burden to family and the entire aiga bus system.
3. You have wasted $53 already. By the time you get scammed on e-bay, finally deal with a legitimate owner of a starter, pay an exorbident amount of money in shipping....during the xmas rush..you would have spent a bunch more money and wasted a bunch more time.
4. Slowly you man-ness is being depleted. Shining examples of men (like Arnie, Sly, myself) make the right decision first time, we show no frustration as we do not have to suffer from it (making right decisions) and thus spend our time in the company of big mac eating ladies. Men always compare themselves to us and unfortunately your comparison is slipping away.
Yes this is the cost of regret. What I would recommend is that you pul up your britches, march into Napa slap down your $360 and demand your started motor today. Get yourself back out cruising iliili road and throw away the shackles brought on by the cost of regret.
Anonymous, at 11/23/2006 8:13 PM
Poor Paul. you can always use our truck. Or, if you're looking for a funny story, you can try to slash the voice of reason's tires.
Philip, at 11/24/2006 12:25 PM
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