Stories of a Moron

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A solid MLK post

I think between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the upcoming Black History Month it is a good time not to just reflect on the previous injustices done to everybody from the Jews to people who were 1/8th African-American (Reference to Plessy of Plessy vs. Ferguson. "Seprate but equal"). Anyways I think I'll take some time and look at some peoples currently being treated unfairly.

1st common to popular belief, whity is not being discriminated against. He seems to be doing fine and should be playing a tournament this weekend. That's what I'll call a "run-in joke."

2nd Palestinians. O.K. so some stuck-up Islamic countries tried invading Israel over forty years ago. I don't see the U.S. being angry at the Japanese during the 80's. They gave us some great cars and cheap electronics. But not Israel. Still bitter. Occupying foriegn territory. Israelis have even started moving into Palestinian territory just so the government won't give it back. These people are what Dane Cook would call "Karens." They can't get along with anybody in the area. They have even openly discussed plans to drop nuclear weapons on Iran. Who the freak gave these guys nuclear weapons!? Anyways, Isreal is doing to the Palestinians what they got they got angry at other countries for doing to them. Its an injustice.

3rd I think the black Africans in Darfur should go here. If you haven't heard the Islamic nomads decided they needed more land so they started attacking their own countrymen that were not Islamic. Now under Islamic law this is O.K. The Islamic government of Sudan turned a blind eye. Now alot of people have had to move away from home because they're afraid for their lives and their government won't do anything about it.

4th People under the age of 18 in suburban US. Apparently since the 1980's white people in the US have been looking for someone else to discriminate against. They found it in the under 18 population. Juvenile restrictions have been running across the US. Most popular are curfew laws wich ban people under the age of 18 from even being out of there house after a certain time. The idea was that it would reduce juvenile related crime. Hmmm this seems like something that was done before. What did they use to call these sort of laws that were exclusionary to a certain group. I think it was James Eagle. No no thats not right. Jimmy Buffer. No no Jim Crow; that's it. Now I can see some of the reasoning that people would think that Curfew laws would work. According to a 2002 Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice study by Daniel Macallair found that curfew laws had no effect on reducing juvenile related crime. Apparently if teenagers are going to go vandelize a bridge then breaking one more law isn't going to matter all that much. All they've done is manage to punish the good kids for the bad ones, and the bad ones are still doing whatever they want. In St. Louis last year I was told that my buddies and I couldn't play wall ball outside a church we were staying at by a police officer. We were all over 21. But cops don't care about the law, just power. Good job Curfew Laws, you suck.

OK a little personal anger there.

Well that's about all I can think of tonight. I need to buy my pig tommorow to keep the pig challenge up.

Paul Murphy


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