So the other day I had my students write down their favorite thing they did over the three week break. I was hoping someone made a find in their backyard or ran into a wild boar. But there were no groundings or tusk scars to my disappointment. Most of them complained that nothing happened and it was boring.
Boring is an interesting view-point. I say view-point because it is really more of a state of mind than anything else. Its not that life really is boring, its only that we're thinking of it that way. I remember as a kid telling my mom I was board. Now we didn't have a wide variety of toys and nintendo games, but we had alot more than we needed. There were literally tons of things to do if you include Josh and Me's love of digging holes. Even though we had a chest full of cars and a Folgers can full of legos we still complained about there being nothing on our four channels of TV. At the time we probably had the only mother that would let us see if we could find and capture a rattle snake. It's not that mom didn't care about our well being, she just knew we were not totally stupid. All that to say we never should have been bored.
One of my favorite quotes from my secondary curriculum class was "entertainment begats boredom." We can be entertained for a while but eventually we become bored and search for something to entertain us. Its a state of mind. I also remember a "Family Matters" episode (the show with Steve Urkel) where Grandma Winslow comes back from a music concert (Boyz to Men i think, Luke can correct me). Eddie had gone with her and is in disbleif describing how Grandma Winslow was pulled on stage by the band. Laura asks her how come amazing things always happen to her, to which she replies "They don't just happen, I make them happen." I like that. The idea that you're not just going to sit around and wait for something to happen. Even the great Leon Phelps did just sit around for something to randomly happen, he went out and did something (pointless).
In life you can't expect things to just happen. It makes life boring.
Paul "would you like a fish sandwich?" Murphy
Feej has some new songs out that rock. Go listen
Quoting Family Matters now? What next Full House?
Philip, at 1/12/2007 6:34 PM
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