I decided to start a new series. Hopefully I'll be finished by Friday.
I've basically been thinking about a lot of changes in society. But more importantly how those changes affect social contracts and old ways of doing things. Call it postmodern if you like- but the problems don't start there. They go deaper.
So today- The Modesty Construct: ideas on modesty then and now
Tomorrow- If you're so strong quit complaining: changes in society have changed basic social roles
Thursday- Where would we land: Straight talk about where social change has brought us
Disagree with me as you will- just post a comment or three. I expect some regulars to comment; Philip commenting on my blatent errors, Josh laughing at me, Pete saying something I disagree with, Jason hasn't been here in a while but he'll show with some hyperbole. I guess I'd like to hear everyones thoughts. I'm not right. You may be.
The Modesty Construct
Modesty is something I've seen my generation battle with for years. Not everywhere but mainly at church. It seems like every time we had a split devotion of any sort the girls would get a talk about modesty and the guys would have a talk about intercourse. Obviously this is because teenage girls don't struggle with anything (Heavy sarcasm). When I got to Harding it was more of the same. The girls dorms would have talks about modesty while the guys power showered on second floor.
Tim 2. Ussually when we talk modesty we turn to Timothy 2. Women should dress modestly, not wear gold, braid their hair, or talk in any church meeting. While some still hold strictly to the words on the page, I think most of us realize there is some culture reflected in the verse. Like the braided hair thing. And gold. We quickly scratch these out b/c they're cultural issues. Sometimes we pick and choose.
Swords for $200. It seems like churches are saying Immodesty=the "s" word. If women dress immodestly then it will lead to our young men sinning and thinking impropper thoughts. So young ladies are scolded for short shorts and sleavless shirts at whatever church function.
Burka. Young men are young men. I can pretty much guarantee that young men in muslim countries are the same as young men in the U.S. It doesn't matter what young ladies wear. Girls have girl parts and guys will think about them "." Even if they're wearing a burka.
Modesty isn't the issue. When somebody has a fever we don't put them in ice, you give them antibiotics. See the fever isn't the problem; Fever=Infection=Antibiotics. I think the issue of modesty is similar. Stay with me for a little while.
Modesty as a symptom. Why? Here in AmSam women ussually dress very modestly. If they wear shorts they're basketball shorts past the knee. Shirts are always closely cut to the neck line. Sleaveless ussually doesn't happen. Ussually. But even with the modest attire of our young ladies we still have the same problems to the same degree as any community in the States. Teen pregancy and the "s" word are still just as big a deal here as anywhere else. Even though modesty is upheld, the values are still slipping through the cracks.
Let it go? So if modesty does not = the "s" word then why bother (via contrapositive). Its a hassle. Our culture has changed and accepts things the generation previous did not. Short shorts. Tank tops. They're common place in today's environment. Maybe we shouldn't worry about it so much and spend more time with the antibiotic. We're still not curing the fever with our proverbial icewater.
Distracting? Ok if its a complete distraction I understand. But anything can be distracting to a 15 year old. You might as well hand out paper bags with eye-holes and cardboard boxes for everyone to wear. Wait, scratch the eye-holes.
Paul "I'm still not wearing short shorts" Murphy
i'm not wearing short shorts either. though i do have skinny jeans and a cartilage piercing. don't worry, it's in the left ear and the girlfriend digs it. good post!
Paulo J, at 2/07/2008 2:16 AM
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