So first I had this really great post about the lottery and how math teachers never factor in inflation when they tell you to take the 20 year pay-out. The I had this other great post about how democracy in a big country is different then small ones. And how the whole democratic process seems to be changing in our country because of the sheer numbers. But then I decided nobody wanted to hear it.
So the other day I was walking home from school. As I walked by the hotel I was surprised by a couple of ladies jogging on the other side of the street. I wasn't surprised that they were ladies but that they were jogging. Samoans don't jog. In fact I can't really think of a time I've seen a Samoan involved in any aerobic exercise. But then again these ladies weren't Samoan either. I hadn't seen them before. So then I had this conversation in my head:
Them: Hey, how's it going?
Me: Things are going well?
Them: So you live here?
Me: Yup for about a year. You?
Them: Yah.
Then they introduce themselves and I introduce myself. Upon our introduction they mention that they've run across my blog, as so many people here on island regularly flock to it. (not really). Then I was slightly insulted, in my own dream none-the-less.
Them: I thought you'd be taller.
Me: So did I. I was at least hoping for 5'10". But now I can never play professional football.
So in my own thoughts while walking down the street I began to think about how being 5'8" has affected me. It's strange. And maybe not even worth mentioning. I am what most people would refer to as "short." At least for a guy. In the US the average male is about 5'10" tall. That puts me at short. To compound matters I've always been short. In middle school the only person I was taller than in the 7th grade was the girl that was handicap. Yes that's right. By my sophomore year of HS I managed to just squeak over 5'2" tall. Ooooh.
It wasn't till I got to college that I realized that 5'8" was going to be it. I was kind of disappointed. On some level the whole being shorter than average thing hurts your self image. Now maybe Bland and Whit can disagree with me but it stunts you a little. I remember not really participating in sports in High school because I was short, and people reminded me more than I wanted them to. It begins to gnaw at you; especially after about 10 years of public education.
So what does it mean? I don't really know. I'd be lying if I told you it never kept me from doing something or even asking a girl out. I can remember one girl my sophomore year of college that I never asked out because she was like 6'1". I didn't think I'd have a problem but surely that would be weird for her. I actually had a conversation with a lady once in which she demanded that she would never date somebody shorter than her. Which was good because I didn't want her asking me out anyways.
But how shallow is that? I've heard a lot of people complain that guys can be vain, and only want to date "hot" girls. But "he's too short" is definitely just as bad as "she's got a big nose." It's not something you can really help. Oh crap I think I may have both. Crap.
So what does it mean. I don't know. But I do know that two of the best guys I knew in college, who's average height was 5'7" maybe, maybe had more than 10 non-function dates between the two of them. So ladies next time you get asked out by Branson Bridg3s or some other short guy don't write him off immediately. Just go out with him and God will reward you later for your kindness. You can ditch him later.
Paul "I'm shorter than the average KOREAN!" Murphy
I'm pretty sure the avg US male height is 5.92 inches... so it's really not that bad. (just thought every .01 counts)
Just my opinion, but most unmarried women create their first impressions on men based upon.
1. Height
2. Salary (or income potential)
3. Physical Appearance and
4. Whether you just dominated their current boyfriend in a game of Uno and/or Madden '08.
It's completely survival of the fittest.
Philip, at 10/14/2007 3:37 AM
In my past I have struggled with this height issue quite a bit actually. Interestingly enough this resurfaced recently. My thoughts were: everyone that see as an influential person has at least average or above average height... I am in the lower 5th percentile for height of men my age. How am I viewed? Before I met Heather I was also wondering about how women viewed me as well. I came to the conclusion that GOD is too big to be contained by my height. This is cheesy, but I believe it: HE really did make me like this. Besides that I have two options: accept it or not… either way I am still 5’ almost 7”.
Justin and Heather Bland, at 10/14/2007 6:34 PM
Remember, we are the same height. It is not a bad thing at times. At other times people mistake me for the kids I teach when I am at the high school because they're all taller than me, more muscular than me, and look older than me.
Don't feel alone as to the height issues.
Anonymous, at 10/14/2007 6:35 PM
The girls are from the Australian airforce, ask them if they can fly a helicopter.
Anonymous, at 10/15/2007 1:26 AM
Maybe it's because I'm 6'0 but I don't really think that height means much. I mean I don't think that size matters. Most of my friends minus Brandon, are shorter than I am, and honestly I would consider them twice the man that I am. I don't see this advantage to being taller. I don't get more dates, and I'm a horrible athlete (well I'm not a team player), I run. If a chick is concerned only about height, that is just plain retarded. She is missing out on the (sorry for the pun) big picture I don't want her to date me simply because I'm tall. I want her to be with me for more real reasons, like my passion for life, my relationship with God, or my sweet white guy dance moves. Remember David defeated the Goliath not by size, but by FAITH, just something to think about.
Jeremiah Stoneburner, at 10/15/2007 10:29 AM
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