Stories of a Moron

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I hate Random Generalizations

I really do. Like Paul must not be good with animals. I love animals. I like playing with nice dogs. I enjoy riding the occasional horse. I also enjoy betting money on my pitbull being able to tear the other guys pitbull to pieces. Ok the last ones not true. And I don't like cats, but c'mon; if you've ever seen a cat you should know what I'm talking about. Paul should stay away from animals?! Phfff!

Other generalizations I don't like, the "some people" statement. This is the statement where someone will say, "some people think I'm really shy, but I'm really a prostitute" or some other ridiculous statement. Why would I care what you think some people think about you. Present yourself as the prostitute you are. I'll figure it out.

My friend Chris says he like stereotypes, because they enable him to lable and relate with people faster. I say Chris is full of it. Every person is unique and we should treat them that way. Not all boys like football, the gay ones don't. Not all girls like Barbie dolls, dresses, and not bidding for the disc, the cool ones don't.

I need to say this right now: Not bidding for a disc is unnacceptable in competition. Also not learning how to make a decent bid and then making a crappy bid against Tulane in tournament play is also not acceptable. Or maybe that's a generalization?

Blanket statements are dumb. Just like the last one. "Are all blanket statements really dumb?" Yes. Wait No. Ummm I don't know. Yes.

Seriously the only thing less cool then talking with someone who blurts out a blanket statement ("but all cheerleaders are like that") is driving a scooter. And we all know how uncool driving a scooter is. Philip says its like.... Just ask Philip. So no more blanket statements.

Paul "Doesn't like personality tests" Murphy


  • Total disagreement with your blog, and being the most intelligent person I know....then I should know.
    Wether you blurt out out blanket statements or not generalizations are a part of the way we make sense of the world. The real issue is that people have become so soft their feelings get hurt when they are put in 'baskets', my reply to this is HARDEN UP YOU LOSERS!
    Recent examples:
    Don Imus - he was one hundred percent right, everyone knew that those woman athletes were diaper crowned garden was just not PC to say so and thus a bunch of bleeding heart cronies gave Mr Imus the heave ho.
    Paul Murphy is gay - I did not believe this at first, he is certainly not happy all the time, but then again he is happy some of the time so I will accept his entry into the Gay box.
    All Americans are stupid - now I know this is not right. The percentage is probably more like 97.86% of Americans are stupid. Of course findings the ones that aren't is 1 out of every 45.729 Americans you meet. So hey, easier just to generalize and say that they are all stupid.
    Point being, do not get hung up on generalizations; embrace them and like most people you will find things easer to live with.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/14/2007 12:30 PM  

  • It's like's cool until your friends find out!

    By Blogger Lauren-Michaele, at 9/14/2007 5:00 PM  

  • I found a picture of your bike here.

    By Blogger Paul Murphy, at 10/02/2007 7:18 PM  

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